Monday, April 11, 2011

Silly Times in Arezzo

Ciao, Belli-

It's only been a few days since my last post, but generally Sunday/Monday is blog-day, thought that's been slipping in the last few weeks.

Commedia continues to be marvelous.  We have now seen all of our "Romeo & Juliet" improvs at least once, and they continue to get better and better.  We will be performing them on Wednesday for everyone, and I will bring my camera to give you guys an idea of what I've been up to.  My new favorite improv is the one I'm in that Trevor directed.  I play Smeraldina as Juliet's nurse, Elena plays a 2nd Lover as Juliet, and Jonny plays Dottore as Paris, Pantalone as Capulet, and Capitano as Tybalt.  It's a joy to perform, and it got great reactions from Michele and the class.  Someone did come in and film our commedia warm-up exercise that we do for about 20 minutes at the beginning of every class... and he posted some of it on youtube.  This is the link, though I warn you we may just look like a bunch of crazy people.  I assure you it's a beneficial warm-up:

On Thursday night we were all just sitting around after dinner enjoying the warm spring weather, when Michele (our commedia professor) drove up and said he was going into town if anyone wanted a ride.  Besides our intense class schedule, the primary reason we never go out on weekdays is that the walk into town is a hefty 20-30 minutes up and down hills.  So, at the prospect of being driven, Elena, Trevor, David and I leapt at the opportunity to join him.  We ended up just having drinks and good times at our favorite bar, and Michele chilled with us the whole time!  It was fantastic!  He's one of the most hilarious individuals I've ever met.  I mean, he's a professional commedia actor, so it's fitting.

On Friday the dancers did a fantastic demonstration of "bhuto," which they had been studying all week.  I was so moved; it was an incredibly emotional form of dance that I hope I get to try sometime.  Different dancers gave personal accounts of something frightening in their lives with movement that corresponded to it.  It was very dramatic.  Jeremy's part, in particular, was breath-taking.

Friday night my friends went to Florence, but to save money and get sleep I decided to stay in.  Saturday morning I woke up bright and early to go to Arezzo's Saturday market, which somehow I have never gotten around to attending yet even though I've been here nearly 3 months.  I went with David, Catie, and Emily, and had a lovely day of shopping and picnicking in the park.  I bought some very well-priced summer clothes, along with basic things like a belt and sunglasses which I've needed since I got here but never got around to buying.  It's just so funny to discover huge things like this market in my own town that's been here every Saturday.

Now, this weekend should have been spent writing my huge final paper for Philosophy of Art.  That goes for all the theatre majors.  But, when it's warm and sunny outside on a Saturday and you live in a Tuscan villa, how can you possibly be expected to write a research paper?  That's what Sunday's for!  Isn't it much more important to, say, put on bikini tops and the matching uomo (men's) underwear you bought with your friends at the market that day then frolic in the grass doing acrobatics and listening to music?  The answer to that question, is of course yes.  And here is the proof of that:
Kathryn and MJ- matching shades and matching uomo undies.

MJ and David

...and then he fell.

zoomed in from that last picture... because I think this is awesome. 

My headstands are getting better everyday.


Uomo club!

Hours of fun were had.  Huge improvements in handstands were made.  Paper was not started, but that's not important.

So... the sunlight goes away Saturday night... Perfect time to start that paper, right?

Perhaps in certain circumstances, but certainly not when your good friend Jonny decides to go out to a bar in his drag persona "Shimmer."  Going out with drag queen > philosophy paper.  It's just a fact.
Elena, Shimmer (check those amazing legs), David, MJ

MJ, David.

Jeremy, Trevor.

Trevor, David.

Elena, David

Trevor, Elena

Shimmer and MJ

So, Sunday finally rolls around.  I wake up bright and early, but am still dragging about this paper.  I need motivation.  What do I get?  Why, a text from my wonderful Oklahoma University friends inviting my to dinner for yet another RIB NIGHT!  Talk about motivation!  I knocked that paper out in a matter of hours.  I even finished early.

Unfortunately, when we started to prepare the ribs, we realized the meat had spoiled.  So, rib night became... CHILI NIGHT!  No harm, no foul.  Those OU boys sure can cook.  It's nice to have that slice of home every now and then.

So, paper is turned in.  The weather continues to be lovely.  We had our last philosophy class today.  Our final commedia performance is on Wednesday, and we'll be starting mask-making on Thursday.  Big news--- we're going to be making legit, leather masks.  Not the latex and/or paper mache we thought we'd make because that's the cheaper method.  I'm so excited.  I'll be making my favorite character: Brighella.

Ciao, Ragazzi!

Love and miss you all.


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